Sunday, June 19, 2022

Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12 - we get to the Galapagos!

Third day of adventure

Different outlook Saturday morning – we’re pumped again about the trip so we get up and eat breakfast at the hotel.

Flight is delayed until 11:30 am so we take our time getting around. Because my VeriFLY was updated, check-in with the agent took less than 10 minutes (they have a special line for those with VeriFLY, kind of like TSA Pre-Chek. We got in another line for security – it was really, really long – and just as we arrived, they cut the line and took us to another check point so that went quickly. (Well, quickly is relative but there were fewer than 30 people in front of us rather than 350).

We knew the flight had been delayed but when we got to the gate, it had been delayed yet again – to 12:15 pm – then to 12:40 pm – then to 1:15 pm – then to 1:45 pm – then to 2:10 pm. We finally boarded the plane around 1:45 pm.

The plane actually got out to the runway this time. We were hopeful until they announced that they had missed the takeoff window and the crew had timed out so they had to return to a gate. A half-hour later, there was a gate available so we disembarked. It is now around 2:30 – 2:45 pm. They requested we stay at the gate while they looked for two pilots.

At this point, I figured we would never get to Quito to catch our flight Sunday morning so I was kind of resigned to the fact that our trip was never going to happen. I was ready to call the insurance adviser to see if they would cancel all our remaining flights with American Airlines and let me rent a car so we could drive home. Both of us were disgusted, frustrated and feeling pretty shitty.

Around 4 pm, miracles of all miracles, they announced they had found pilots! Skeptical as hell, we boarded the plane again. We were to land in Quito around 7:30 pm their time (Quito is the same time as CDT). We left the ground and never looked back.

Arrived in Quito about 7:30 pm as promised, our escort met us at baggage claim. YES, the checked bag actually arrived with us. Customs went smoothly, and we’re now in a vehicle heading to our hotel. It took about 45 minutes, and our driver was telling us things about Ecuador and repeating words in the indigenous language so we could learn. (Spanish and the indigenous language Quechan are the official languages here). He asked if we wanted a shortcut, to which we replied yes because we wanted to get to the hotel, so he took us on a shortcut, and we saw some of the night life after climbing probably 2,000 feet from the airport to Quito in the mountains.

We missed the orientation for the Galapagos tour at 6 pm Sunday, arriving at the hotel around 9:30 pm. We were so tired that we ordered room service and while waiting for our meals, the company doing the Galapagos tour called to tell us we were to meet in the lobby at 4:45 am for our trip to the islands.

We were on a bus for 45 minutes to the airport then waited around for our guide to get our control cards, at which time we then went through security and prepared for our flight from Quito to the islands with a layover in Guayaquil to pick up some more passengers.

We thought we were “out of the woods” with our disruptions, lines, boarding and disembarking, etc. We left Quito on time, arrived in Guayaquil on time but sat on the plane for nearly an hour – about 50 minutes more than we were told.

The pilot then announced that they had heard from gyrations in the engine during the flight and for our safety, it would need to be fixed.

We were asked to disembark from the plane around 10 am. They indicated it might be fixed around 11 am.

And here we sit – at 10:39 am – waiting to board the plane again.

Notice I highlighted the word disembarked. Yes, we have been on three planes and three times so far, we have had to disembark. 

I haven’t smoked much so far – if I slip outside to have a smoke, I need to go back through security which is a hassle but it may be well worth it this time.

So just as I finished the previous sentence, an announcement was made that our plane would be departing – I shut ‘er down thinking it would be soon but NO – our plane now is not leaving until 3 pm.

I went out and smoked – not just one, but two smokes. Coming back through security wasn’t the hassle I thought it would be (it’s a small airport) so here we sit at 12:47 pm after having cashed our $15 voucher for lunch and waiting and waiting.

It’s 2:45 pm, and we’re told that our plane is leaving at 3:15 pm. Apparently, they brought a plane in from Bogota, Colombia, so we could get to the Galapagos.

We boarded and flew for about an hour and a half and whallah! We’re on the Galapagos Islands. We deplaned on the tarmac and walked to the “terminal” where we got our luggage scanned, paid our National Park fee and met our “CEO” from G Adventures. She got us corralled and onto a bus that took us to the pier about 5 minutes from the terminal.

There are 13 of us on this particular adventure so they have two dingys for shuttling us around. We got everybody loaded and we went to the boat. It was about 5 pm. We lost the afternoon when we were to go spot blue-footed boobies. But I’m sure we’ll see them during our next 7 days.

The boat is very comfortable. We have a cabin with two twin beds and a bathroom, and it’s larger than some other places we’ve stayed.

After everybody got unpacked, we gathered in the common area where Juliette reviewed safety procedures, told us about the “bell” and what to expect during our stay. Yes, they ring a bell when it’s time to eat or gather for an activity.

After we ate a meal – a real meal for us since we’ve been pretty much surviving on airport food the last three days – it was time to retreat to our cabins for the evening. It was around 8:30 pm, and we were more than happy to go to bed to get some sleep.

The boat began moving and moved for 10 hours to our next spot. One of our compatriots got seasick. Beth got patches so she did fine.

The swaying of the boat was comforting.

We're on the plane !

The Andes from the plane

                                                    More Andes from the plane

                                            We finally arrived on the Galapagos. Landed on Santa Cruz Island.

                                            First sunset from the Yolita II boat.

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Tuesday, June 28

Not much to report today. As I said yesterday, it’s our first really stress-free day since the day before we left. We slept “in,” getting ...